Junior Resident Doctor Salary in India

Junior Resident Doctor Salary depends on a number of factors. Yes, Junior resident Doctor Salary depends on a number of factors. A lot of individuals who pass MBBS and complete their internship often tend to know Junior Resident Doctor Salary. This is even more apparent when they clear their NEET PG examination and are ready to take admission for PG MD or MS courses. They often wish to understand the structure of Junior Resident Doctor Salary in India. So this is a topic of quite an interest for MBBS passed individual doctors. Junior Residents are resident doctors, means doctors who …

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Career options after MBBS | NEET PG, Course or Job.

MBBS :- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, a degree of 5.5 years duration. There are a lot of career options after MBBS and a proper knowledge of all the options available to a MBBS doctor will help him guide through his/her post graduate life and reduce confusion associated with the dilemma associated with choosing different career paths. MBBS courses are offered in various Medical Colleges of India and the world for that matter, both private and government colleges. The candidate has to clear NEET UG exam in order to get admission in any of the above colleges. Admission …

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